The first step to building your college application is curating a portfolio of activities, projects, and extracurriculars that will make you look like a well-rounded student. The most important thing to consider when mapping out your projects is to stick with a common theme/interest. This interest should not just be something that you think college will look for but something you are passionate about and enjoy since you will have to put much of your time and energy into it throughout highschool. Additionally, this interest should connect and relate to a broad career path you plan to pursue in college and subsequently after. For instance, an interest to explore throughout high school could be social justice and civil rights which could lead to a study in law. If you are struggling to pick an interest, I recommend taking classes within your school or free courses online to learn about a variety of interests to see what peaks your interest. In addition, consider aspects of your identity and background when choosing an interest whether it pertains to your ethnicity, gender, personal values, and etc. After finding your interest, the next step is brainstorming activities that connect. I recommend first looking into clubs, classes, or courses that your school offers, and asking your teachers and peers about other opportunities. If you cannot find anything within your school, begin to research online whether that is through social media or on google. This could be as simple as searching up “volunteering opportunities in my area”. When choosing these projects, do not choose arbitrarily and remember that they have to relatively connect somehow. For example, if you plan on taking a business course, I do not recommend also starting a science club because these activities do not relate. Overall, try to choose activities and projects that are impactful and meaningful to you.